THE terrific concussion stunned both boys, like a blow from a club.
I strove to turn him beneath me, and even as I did, we struck the earth with a terrific concussion.
He had barely landed when there was a terrific concussion.
Suddenly, from the direction of the river came a white flash, followed by a terrific concussion.
With a terrific concussion, the entire garage became a mushroom of smoke and fire.
There was a terrific concussion, and a roar as the air blasted out of the ship.
He twirled the fourth dial, and instantly there was a flash of light, and a moment later a terrific concussion.
It exploded with a terrific concussion as it hit the wall of the ray screen.
Suddenly, there was a terrific concussion that rocked the ground like an earthquake.
At that instant the ship was enveloped in a brilliant fireball, and we were thrown to the deck by a terrific concussion.