And a further second after that, the terrifying attack screams of the Death-Vowed split the air of the corridor.
After hours of immobility, a dead log will suddenly turn into a 10ft-long predator and launch a terrifying, lightning-fast attack.
The film is filled with wild-animal footage, including a terrifying attack by a 28-foot anaconda.
The Ambassador revealed how he and his staff hid with the lights off during the terrifying attack on the British embassy's compound in Tehran.
He suffers a terrifying attack of delirium tremens and wakes up in a mental ward.
So how had French General La Porte learned of the terrifying electronic attacks?
That such terrifying attacks could take place in daylight in Central Park, with people all around, utterly shakes our sense of safety.
Ć But he did not think he could have been out for long: his memories of the terrifying attack and the dizzying fall were very clear.
Jacaré's wild-animal footage thrilled audiences, especially the terrifying attack of the anaconda.
Joseph Pritchard was told he'd subjected his victim to a terrifying attack.