Perhaps it takes second place to that terrifying episode, when I was eight years old, when my sister threatened me with a ladle.
His breathing was less labored, the terrifying episodes less frequent, but he remained confused.
He also meant to go and find the dell again, where the stuffed animals had been, and enjoy remembering that terrifying episode.
The terrifying episode 15 months ago was attributed to human error: a technician had thrown a switch to rinse the dialysis machines while patients were hooked up to them.
She, of course, had nothing to tell because the entire terrifying episode had been erased from her memory.
In 1945, the URSS army finally frees her along with the other prisoners, and she immediately thinks about forgetting that terrifying episode she had to pass through.
Mr. Martin suffered terrifying episodes of schizophrenia and manic-depression.
If not for the wet stain on the front of his trousers, he might have imagined the whole terrifying episode.
Absent the Tea Party, a routine debt-ceiling squabble would never have metastasized into a terrifying episode of hostage-taking.
So wrapped up in his calculations was the Dark King that the true explanation of these terrifying episodes had not yet dawned on him.