Another series of works was provoked by a terrifying incident when, out of curiosity, he tried to attend a meeting of the Ku Klux Klan.
Though worried, Tom determined not to let the terrifying incident stop the preparations for the trip.
The other times he'd faced Russians, in Vigdis's house, the terrifying incident with the helicopter, all those were behind him and for the moment forgotten.
All this caused by one terrifying incident, an accident, that was only a small fraction of the massive destruction that would result from an all-out nuclear war.
First, Admit Your Own Fears IN handling a terrifying and confusing incident, children take their emotional cues from the adults around them.
I washed and dressed hurriedly, thinking about last night's terrifying incident.
Then, when she was thirteen, there was another terrifying incident.
These terrifying incidents are carefully told, with the escape from the fire played first, followed by the cause, ensuring that the audience feels the intensity of a fire without panic.
How could she judge Kalas at this unsettling time, after the terrifying incident in the garden?
The story goes back and forth from the terrifying incidents to Marty's youthful day-to-day life and how the horror affects him.