For one terrifying instant he saw the red line of the laser dart near his leg like a curious snake, and then it was gone.
A terrifying instant later his hand came completely free.
For a terrifying instant the heat overwhelmed him.
For a terrifying instant, he thought something might be wrong with Amy.
For a terrifying instant, he felt his own dematerializing body pulled away from the pad.
In one terrifying instant the countenance of a man who'd slaughtered nine people confronted them.
Everyone on board must have died in that insane, terrifying instant.
For a terrifying instant the ship seemed to be out of control and at the mercy of the swirling wind.
For a terrifying, sickening instant he saw everything, the unbelievable horror of the killer coming right into his home.
There was a terrifying instant in which he felt the right wheels slide onto the shoulder and slip downward.