He thus quelled Narasimha's terrifying rage.
His terrifying rages served only to further alienate his family, although Harvey shared a bedroom with him and Sherwin appeared at the subway every day to walk him home.
Antony had given in after a performance that went from terrifying rage to bathetic tears.
At least then there had been that freezing, terrifying rage.
Cadderly seemed to have things in hand; would their unexpected presence startle the dragon, bring old Fyren into a fit of terrifying rage?
Only they can protect young Tobin from a king's wrath, a mother's madness, and the terrifying rage of her brother's demon spirit, determined to avenge his stolen life.
Although considered a "reformed" demon, Chrono has quite the temper, and if provoked will go into a terrifying rage that blinds him from most everything around him, including the people he cares about.
His father was an alcoholic given to terrifying rages, his mother a long-suffering martyr.
She was in a terrifying rage.
In the book he begins to crawl into her bed when they were both very young, precipitating terrifying rages from Pierre.