"Never have I heard a more terrifying revelation to the civilized world, in any language, and I speak five."
This leads Yeine to terrifying revelations about herself, her world's history, and the gods themselves.
Moneo felt that he stood on the brink of terrifying revelations.
I saw that he had got one horn out of the yoke and though he couldn't reach me with his head his shoulder knocked me on my back with a terrifying revelation of unbelievable strength.
Nothing, not hell, not a terrifying revelation about who or what he was, could keep her from his side.
His father appears startled, and well might he be startled by these terrifying revelations.
But beneath its golden veneer, this world is just as full of madness and cruelty, of desperation, closely guarded secrets and terrifying revelations.
He felt poised on the brink of terrifying revelation.