Interspersed are shots of singer Shaun Morgan dressed up as an evil carnival barker taking a group of people on "the world's most terrifying ride".
During the terrifying 15-minute ride the Catholic mother of three recited decades of the rosary to herself to help get through the ordeal.
Braefar shivered at the memory as he recalled the wild, terrifying ride to flee the battlefield.
The rain was still coming down in sheets, but it brought only discomfort, not a terrifying ride at the mercy of a frenzied sea.
She had to force her senses to be aware of every detail of the terrifying ride.
Rakwool's first attempt over fences after winning hurdle races gave Inkson the most terrifying ride of his career.
After a terrifying ride on an old and rusty narrow-gauge railway engine, the group descends into the Neretva gorge near the dam.
In past visits to amusements parks, my children have dragged me onto any number of terrifying rides.
The journey through the tunnel was like a miserable and terrifying ride on a ghost train.
Welcome to Atlantica Supersplash, one of the park's half-dozen most terrifying rides.