She fell for a terrifying few seconds, then landed with such force that the impact knocked the air from her lungs.
As a rule, the duck-and-cover drills and other programs are sparsely attended, but this year has been different because of those 15 terrifying seconds in October.
It actually lodged there for one, long terrifying second.
But his fame resulted from a few terrifying seconds on Aug. 10, 1953.
A few terrifying seconds, not knowing if the first wave of another Dominion aggression had just come through.
Only after an eternal, terrifying second did the realization sink in that the herd had split and was flowing around them.
I'd never held a gun for longer than a few terrifying seconds, but in my fantasies I had a rifle.
In those next terrifying seconds, Vitra's thugs probably killed more of their own number than their foes.
The board must have sailed along with her, just below her feet for those terrifying seconds of free fall.
For a few terrifying seconds, he had been back in the Vietnam jungle.