"More territorial aggrandizement!"
The United States had indirectly supported Britain's war effort against Germany up to 1941 and declared its opposition to territorial aggrandizement.
The Russian Empire had entered a more aggressive phase, becoming militarily active against the Ottoman Empire and also against China, with territorial aggrandizement explicitly in mind.
The haut population can expand many times over into space presently held by servitor classes, without need for further territorial aggrandizement.
Still, few historians would contend that a doctored report caused the rise of German nationalism and territorial aggrandizement.
Our long misunderstanding of the nature of humans; our votes have long gone to reducing appropriations for what we saw as a means of territorial aggrandizement.
On 9 June 1967, Israeli Foreign Minister Eban assured the U.S. that it was not seeking territorial aggrandizement and had no "colonial" aspirations.
For the sake of territorial aggrandizement he deprived his country of the fruits of Western learning and civilization.
Unlike the princely version, his disdained territorial aggrandizement, military capability for its own sake, and concentration of power in the central state.
Instead, defense, security, Palestinian violence, Arab intransigence and territorial aggrandizement remain at the heart of the national debate.