But Croats, Serbs and Muslims still settle their territorial differences with guns.
In this respect considerable territorial differences in relation to the territory of Belarus must be taken into consideration.
Although loyalist groups all support British rule, they are riven by territorial, political and personality differences.
The Romani people recognize divisions among themselves based in part on territorial, cultural and dialectal differences and self-designation.
For the most part, each of the present autonomous communities in Spain can be treated individually, with only minor territorial differences as one looks into the past.
In order to overcome territorial differences, quotas may be established for individual regions, areas or salespeople.
Consequently, we must deal in the future with the territorial differences in social and economic indicators within a more effective and flexible framework.
European regional policy after 2013 must cover all the regions, while being sufficiently flexible to take into account regional and territorial differences.
I actually believe this will inevitably result in excessive simplification where there are real territorial, developmental, economic and social differences that require specific measures.
And despite the fact that we get along well, there are times our territorial differences come into play.