Americans for a Safe Israel (AFSI) is an American Jewish group that opposes all territorial withdrawals by Israel.
In other words, Israel must carry out its territorial withdrawals essentially alone.
The previous circumstances, together with the fact that the Leonese was not used in institutional and formal affairs, led Leonese to suffer a territorial withdrawal.
(Arafat was culpable in much of the extremist violence, for he frequently released from jail those involved in terrorism when he wanted to pressure Israel in the often interminable negotiations over further territorial withdrawals.)
ZFA has also participated in the struggle against territorial withdrawals and the fight against discrimination within Israeli society.
The paper explains that the next internal political hurdle is a referendum on territorial withdrawal.
But the most significant territorial withdrawal, and for Mr. Begin the most personally wrenching, was in the Sinai Peninsula, which Israel returned to Egypt in three stages from 1979 through 1982.
For many Israelis it will not be easy to enter a negotiating process whose successful outcome will in all probablity involve territorial withdrawal and the emergence of a new political reality.
Begin saw it as his first mission in the government to secure the fruits of the victory by preventing territorial withdrawal and promoting settlement.
His political activities have focused on the Israeli peace camp, strongly arguing for territorial withdrawal and the establishment of a Palestinian State alongside Israel.