In the 20th century, some lowland territories of Chechnya changed their owners several times.
The territory of the former Halikko thus changed status from rural to urban.
Their territory, which consisted of Hechingen and 26 villages, did not change substantially until the 19th century.
The federal government, eight provinces, and one territory have changed to fixed election dates every four years.
The territory has not changed but the population has slightly shifted from east to west.
During the war, mines were laid down with abandon as territory changed hands several times in fighting.
As with many other frontier counties, the boundaries and territory changed over the years.
Since its establishment, the province's territory has changed many times.
The territory may change its status from participation to leaving or from being outside to joining.
He is regarded as unlikely to take the risk of going into direct talks with Israel without some assurance that territory would change hands.