A winner may be decided by which player controls the most "territory" on the playing surface, or a specific piece of territory.
New Orleans and the surrounding territory controlled the mouth of the Mississippi River down which much of the produce of the mid-west traveled to reach market.
And he's only effectively the mayor of Kabul, given how much territory the titular Afghan government actually controls.
Hsi-Hsia's territory controlled the old Silk Road, and Mongol hankered for more silk underwear, so this was as good a place to begin as any.
The resolution called on UN member states to cut oil supplies to, and timber exports from, territories controlled by the Khmers Rouges.
The territory will directly control taxes, foreign trade, transport and communications, leaving key sectors like defense, justice and police to France.
The Reich education system is only for Germany; allied states and occupied territories control their own education systems.
The city and territories controlled by the notorious organization known as The Famity.
It struck both government-held land and territory controlled by the Tamil rebels, and it brought the two sides together to heal and divide aid.
He is currently believed to be in Myanmar, probably within UWSA controlled territory of Wa State.