March 30, 1909: The settlement was officially established on territory owned by Antonio Gerli.
During this time the future province was still part of Rupert's Land, a territory owned by the Hudson's Bay Company.
The British Empire was a global power that contained territories owned by the United Kingdom.
He made his professional wrestling debut as a referee on June 1974 in the Amarillo territory owned by the Funks.
Parts of northern Minnesota were considered to be in Rupert's Land, a large territory owned by Hudson's Bay Company.
This was disputed territory, owned by now-extinct families, its provenance tied up in generations-old court cases that would probably drag on until the end of the world.
"I will unify those of Indian and Spanish heritage in a new wave that will sweep over territory once owned by Mexico."
It managed to take control of most of the territories owned by the Gulf cartel when they had essentially served as a single organization.
As a result they concluded a truce regarding the territories owned by the Order and exhanged their prisoners of war.
It had to be a territory owned by a small power.