The argument over how to try the 14 terror suspects recently transferred from Central Intelligence Agency prisons to military custody at Guantánamo Bay seems to be one of them.
Ms. Kim said she hoped the government would bring more uniformity to the process and provide a centralized mechanism for passengers mistakenly identified as terror suspects to remove their names from watch lists.
More than a decade after 9/11 there are about half a dozen remaining terror suspects that Britain is trying to deport to countries, including Algeria and Egypt.
For all the tough rhetoric of the Bush Administration, it prosecuted many more terror suspects as criminals than as enemy combatants.
But the government shied away from a parliamentary showdown over a contentious proposal to extend the period of detention without charge or trial for terror suspects to 90 days from 14 days.
The executive order means that the agency can once again hold foreign terror suspects indefinitely, and without charges, in black sites, without notifying their families or local authorities, or offering access to legal counsel.
The 14 terror suspects recently transferred to the American detention center in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, under the administration plan would face war-crimes trials if Congress approves the proposed tribunals.
A key concern of security officials was allayed last week when the Palestinian police, acting on a tip from the Israelis, captured two Islamic fundamentalist terror suspects with 88 pounds of explosives.
A "terror", I suspected here, that might be fully justified too!!
But in the latest turn of history, Russia, along with the United States, has become an ally in confronting the Islamic militant Taliban government and the terror suspect it harbors, Osama bin Laden.