Some hinted that the government might soon downshift its terror warnings.
If there was any doubt that Sept. 11, 2001, forever changed Americans' collective perception of risk, last weekend's terror warnings should put it to rest.
Despite the new terror warnings, the stock market gained ground, denting expectations that it would drop with the heightened security alert.
But the most recent terror warnings have triggered yet another round of upgrades.
The approach of the Fourth of July in 2002 brought a chorus of terror warnings around the country.
The administration is being attacked for issuing terror warnings based on updates of three-year-old intelligence.
Such old back-room ways won't do in the era of daily terror warnings.
"The heightened terror warnings put new strains on police departments," he said, "and it is an extraordinary important job that needs appropriate funding."
For some employees, the increased security and the specificity of the terror warning were cause for concern.
After past terror warnings, critics have at times accused the Bush administration of exaggerating the threat for political purposes.