In early December the former 9/11 commissioners gave the federal government a report card riddled with D's and F's on terrorism preparedness.
Homeland security, terrorism preparedness and community first responders are also top priorities for recieving assistance through federal grants.
In recent years, Marcus' research, teaching, and consultation have played a key role in national and international terrorism preparedness and emergency response.
At the C.D.C., Joseph Henderson, associate director for terrorism preparedness and emergency response, said his agency endorsed the new effort.
"One of the things we try and do with our terrorism preparedness is make sure that we get double value," Dr. Frieden said.
He was a frequent speaker and author on the topic of terrorism preparedness.
As deputy director of the bioterrorism program, Khan created the Critical Agent list, which has remained the basis for all biological terrorism preparedness.
Currently the CDC focus has broadened to include chronic diseases, disabilities, injury control, workplace hazards, environmental health threats, and terrorism preparedness.
A lot of jurisdictions were starting to get funding for terrorism preparedness.
By late November, Ronnie was visiting firehouses to discuss terrorism preparedness with the rank and file.