A student council representative demurred, suspicious that such organizations were cover for terrorist recruitment.
The US Special Forces and Governor Loong hopes that winning respect and alleviating poverty from the people will stop terrorist recruitment.
As bad as the situation inside Iraq may be, the effect that the war has had on terrorist recruitment around the globe may be even more worrisome.
In the meantime, they are at risk for disease, child soldier recruitment, terrorist recruitment, and physical and sexual violence.
"These human rights violations generate indignation and outrage that spur terrorist recruitment."
The early detection of terrorist activities and terrorist recruitment.
"Increase federal government information sharing with state, local, and tribal governments and law enforcement on terrorist recruitment and radicalization."
Unfortunately, terrorists have exploited the charitable sector to raise and move funds, provide logistical support, encourage terrorist recruitment, or otherwise support terrorist organizations and operations.
Economic deprivation, by this argument, merely accelerates terrorist recruitment.
We have adopted a strategy to address radicalisation and terrorist recruitment.