The crux of the message was contained in only a few terse phrases.
She sketched out her career there in a few terse phrases.
From the first chopped, terse phrases of his solo, it was clear that he had come to play.
Such detail is omitted for the successful hits, where we get little but a terse phrase about the target "dropping."
In short, terse phrases, the aviation man was stating the case in question.
In his usual terse phrases, Rafe outlined their situation.
"People can communicate in rather short, terse phrases," he said.
But get past all that to a crisis in the real story, and who finds the terse phrase, the short fire-word, so surely as he?
She understood the meaning of the last terse phrase.
As they moved, Mark related in terse phrases how he had picked up the new sword from the dungeon floor.