Adapt aims to test the advertising aptitude of the contestants across media platforms.
In screenings, however, the filmmakers were relieved to discover that Hammy tested well across the age spectrum.
He was one of the first refugees to test an escape route across the Pyrenees into Spain.
Daily newspapers, he said, allow for Google's mass of advertisers to test campaigns across a range of publications and change them quickly.
"We want to test the new thinking across the whole range of our relationship," he said.
One of the privileges of being a Lion is that it tests you across a range of indicators.
The Department of Energy spent $20 million from 1986 to 1989 for contractors to test soil and water at its nuclear weapons plants across the country.
The 1992 assessment tested 26,000 students in 1,500 public and private schools across the nation.
Then test a carpenter's level on the bowl, across it and from front to back.
The owners tested both vehicles to their limits across the most inhospitable terrain.