They ran the same tests on the three birds that hadn't had any trouble and compared the results, again coming up with nothing.
An extrinsic test would determine similarity of general ideas, while an intrinsic test would compare the particular expressions used.
This test compared a proposed agreement to an underpinning and relevant award that had or should have covered employees up until the proposal for an agreement.
The test compared "Batman Forever" in both formats.
Generally, these tests compare the results of an individual to others from the same lineage or to current and historic ethnic groups.
This allows each block to be tested individually or in combination, which makes the tests much easier when compared to testing the whole chip.
The short test compares blood cortisol levels before and after 250 micrograms of tetracosactide (intramuscular or intravenous) is given.
A fair test would compare private accounts to a trust fund that would, as many economists propose, invest in corporate stocks and bonds.
The test for similarity of two marks compares the sight, sound and meaning of the marks.
The individual test compares each penalty term in the objective function with the critical values of the normal distribution.