Many tests develop a system of numerical scoring which makes it possible to make precise comparisons between the scores obtained by different individuals.
Since then tests have developed to cover a wide variety of abilities and people of all ages.
But that half-hour produced another test of the elaborate procedures developed since the 1987 stock market crash.
In the 1980's, Boeing developed a tougher test, which was eventually adopted by other major manufacturers and is called the Q-tip test.
And, he added, if diagnostic tests developed through pharmacogenomics do not weed out all patients at risk for adverse effects, "you may kill people."
A test developed for a single stuck-at fault often finds a large number of other stuck-at faults.
However, tests developed in Maryland and other states in recent years are more sophisticated than the multiple-choice tests of the past.
That test and more sensitive methods developed more recently have helped make severe lead poisoning unusual.
It is unknown how these tests developed.
Three mental tests were developed, each consisting of 20 questions.