Ford will eventually lease 80 Ecostars, as a test fleet, but has no plans to build more or to sell any.
"We do keep the winner of the Car of the Year in our long-term test fleet for a year, and report on it regularly."
A400M number four joined the test fleet with its first flight of over five hours on 20 December 2010.
On September 9, 2010, it was reported that a further two 787s might join the test fleet, making a total of eight flight test aircraft.
We recently welcomed a Juke to our long-term test fleet.
The remaining aircraft in the test fleet are scheduled to be moved to Palmdale during May.
For this we have Consumer Guide's extended-use test fleet.
The second DC-9 flew a few weeks later, with a test fleet of five aircraft flying by July. leased a Mini-E to use in their long-term test fleet.
On sale end of 2013 with a test fleet in deployment between then and now.