There has also been an expanding number of demonstration farms which are used to test various forms of renewable energy, primarily wind turbines and solar panels.
The conflict also allowed the Soviets the opportunity to test several new forms of armament, in particular the MiG-15 combat aircraft.
Viewers in Hawaii can watch the nightly news and other programs whenever they want, and the cable system is testing new forms of targeted advertising there as well.
Items are pulled from the bank and assigned to test forms for publication either as a paper-and-pencil test or some form of e-assessment.
Of course I'm not saying artists shouldn't test and try different forms; they always have.
The farmed samples tested high in either the synthetic or the yeast forms of astaxanthin.
AT&T is testing various forms of cellphone advertising, with introduction of ads planned this year.
During the mission they will test new forms of food and food preparation strategies for deep-space travel.
Divisti and Trizein had tested several forms of Iretan vegetation and succulents, finding them safe for human consumption.
It should make it possible to test new forms of cooperation and thus provide useful information for the new generation of programmes after 2006.