Rose Hill - 1500 rose bushes representing over 150 varieties; an All-America Selections rose test garden.
In 1917 a group of Portland nurserymen came up with the idea for an American rose test garden.
The test gardens are located nationwide in North America and the entries have to prove themselves in all kinds of soils and climates.
Each of the four smaller, diamond-shaped "circles" to the east, west, north, and south contains one of Portland's rose test gardens.
I'm wondering if they need a nice, humid test garden in Maryland, which feels like the world's epicenter for Japanese beetles, the rose's most indomitable pest.
It tests its gardening advice in a test garden.
The plants in the test garden did not suffer from lack of water, thanks to drip hoses supplied by two wells.
It was grown in a test garden in Coconut Grove, Florida, from which it escaped and spread.
In the test garden, which covers more than an acre, the plants are the thing, and they're well tended in their purely utilitarian rectangular beds.
He planted this rose in his test gardens in 1941 and carried it in his catalog through 1962.