In addition, the group trained, took part in maneuvers and reviews, and tested planes and equipment.
Sandy, Bud's frequent date, who often tested planes for the old Swift Construction Company which her father had founded, talked excitedly of the expedition.
Mr. Southern said that his mother, who also tested planes at Kinner, gave up flying when he was born in 1922.
The work of pilots who test new planes may be dangerous.
After a mock battle to test new planes against Cheetah, Maumi becomes obsessed with fighting Cheetah to have the ultimate aerial battle she desires.
In addition, a few exceptionally qualified women were allowed to test rocket-propelled planes, to pilot jet-propelled planes, and to work with radar-controlled targets.
According to the aviation agreement between France and the United States, French safety officials had the primary role in testing new planes built in their country.
In the 1993 report on the F.A.A.'s skills in testing new planes, the General Accounting Office underscored its concern about the failure to hire a new icing expert.
After being re-assembled she was assigned to Versuchsjagdgruppe 88, a group within the Legión Cóndor devoted to testing new planes.
Its first flight was on August 6, conducted by V. N. Fillipov, who tested planes for TsAGI until the upcoming October.