During the time docked there were three spacewalks made which aimed to test procedures for thermal protection system repair.
The project was described as a "demonstration project to test expedited procedures for a reactor site cleanup".
The purpose of this stage was to test the technical equipment, facilities, and operating procedures for the voyage.
The second suspension, in October, followed the loss of a substantial part of a trial shipment intended to test handling procedures.
He frequently tested new surgical procedures on unwitting patients at St. George's Hospital.
Officials hope to test the modifications and new procedures instituted after the disaster.
The model of science they know is an experimental one - the randomised controlled trial used to test drugs and surgical procedures.
To test procedures for treating wounds, the US military has shot bullets into pigs.
It might surprise you, but regarding federal crimes, there actually are laws and tested procedures that usually get results.
The company said it was testing and verifying alarm systems and procedures at more than 100 company sites.