The company's purpose was to test techniques for spotting potential terrorists through travel patterns.
The theme park attractions help pay the company's bills while also offering a laboratory to test new techniques.
The experts were testing new hardening techniques that American security officials say are the best hope for protecting planes against bombs.
Researchers will use Venus' trek to test techniques and instruments that can be used to detect planets in other solar systems.
They have told you that the planet Inferno is a simulation set up to test terraforming techniques.
He began testing new techniques and materials in his single-minded pursuit of the perfect replica.
Was he testing new techniques on a model who charged nothing and always showed up?
Together with his sponsor Raps he tested various techniques.
I have been told they test mindchanging drugs and techniques on prisoners in the Farms.
Instead the company is testing techniques and training workers on a Naked Island beach from which relatively little oil appears to go back into the water.