They really hit a big find in the first test trench, and the Institute pushed the upgrade through to take advantage of the good weather coming.
Three test trenches were dug.
King, after systematically digging in test trenches away from the rigged site, concluded that the gems had been planted.
Four men were digging a test trench across one mound.
One of their first test trenches uncovered foundation bricks, possibly remains of the two-story brick dwelling Douglass described.
Two test trenches were then dug to a depth of four meters, and four blocks were excavated in 5-10 cm layers to a depth of 2.5 meters.
Cutting test trenches on the slopes near the Ramses tomb, they uncovered the narrow entrance and did some preliminary investigation.
But he knew he had to justify his order to dig a test trench before the foundation excavation was dug, so he kept on picking.
The company had initially dug test trenches on land without obtaining permission and the farmers, who were mostly tenants, objected in fear of losing their lands.
Running a test trench along the north side of the enclosure wall, to see if he can find a place that wasn't disturbed by our bloody predecessors digging for artifacts.