During the trial, a number of American and African victims and relatives members testified about the devastating impact, including financial, of the attack.
Witnesses testified to the need for a number of services, including expanded mental health and trauma counseling and better medical care.
He also testified to numerous stressors, including the gunshot wound, breaking up with his girlfriend, and recent attempts at suicide.
Over 100 witnesses testified, including 45 members of Congress, and an additional 37 members submitted statements.
A total of 26 such witnesses testified, including every witness who claimed to have personal knowledge of the general's own involvement in the drug trade.
Many people testified during the trials, including several expert witnesses.
She testified at several Congressional hearings and criminal trials, including that of the Rosenbergs.
She also testified that she had signed their 1974 divorce settlement, including a clause forfeiting all future record profits, because "Phil threatened me several times."
Nine people testified against him at the trial, including another wife he tried to set on fire.
Segretti later testified before a Watergate grand jury about the activities, including Chapin's supervisory role.