His testimony in several trials has also described the initiation rites, secret oaths and deadly vendettas of the Mafia.
Several testimonies describe the existence of very extensive and dense Roman building remains before 1977.
"But your testimony before the court-- how could you possibly describe this wretched man's condition, while remaining a lady?"
The testimony described the occasions when respondent had exercised his right to remain silent.
His testimony to the coroner's jury describes the disaster:
But the testimony has described a prison in chaos, where prisoners were routinely left naked and threatened by growling dogs.
However, a sworn testimony of 1746 describes him as "a tall Well sett Gentleman".
Her testimony described a period where Andersen partners grew increasingly anxious about what was happening at Enron in the months before the company collapsed.
The courier's testimony describes shredding that occurred in January and appears to be unrelated.
A testimony may describe a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit or speak to a particular event of meaning in a person's recent Christian life.