Research in pre-Islamic and Islamic works, makes it clear that there are very few texts addressed directly to children.
This text addresses the planar cosmology of the game universe.
The unredacted text does not address the Hellfire missile attack on the building.
The two texts simply address different readerships and in so doing reflect different textual preferences.
The texts address common fears of the living, such as having to do manual labor, with spells to allow the deceased to avoid these unpleasant tasks.
It also contained short narrative verses, and text addressed to Hector.
This text firmly addresses all aspects and physics of designing steel structures in the United States.
The text does not address this issue in a way that I can use to explain it to them so that they actually "get it".
Her text and image choices address significant social issues, and usually contribute a useful perspective.
Finally, I think it particularly significant that the text addresses the jobs issue and that we have taken the initiative on this front too.