The extant text comprises three aṃśas (sections) consisting 7, 7 and 21 chapters respectively.
It is generally accepted that the Uthmanic text comprises all 114 suras in the order known to us today.
The hand-written text comprises 159 lines of about 15-17 characters per line.
The ancient Greek text comprises six lines written from left to right; margins all around the text body suggest that its contents are fully preserved.
The full text of The Loyalist Teaching comprises approximately 145 verses.
The main text comprises 813 entries ordered by rime class and initial sound.
The extant text comprises six aṃśas (parts) and 126 adhyāyas (chapters).
Taken together, these two texts comprised the Imagist programme for a return to what they saw as the best poetic practice of the past.
For some scholars of literature, "texts" comprises little more than "books belonging to the Western literary canon."
Commissioner, our text comprises two main sections, in line with the Commission's proposals: the macro-economic section and the structural section.