The mouse pointer can be used to place the text cursor anywhere on the document and also to activate menus and commands.
Clicking on an atom in the structure view sets the text cursor to the line that contains this atom.
The preview will follow the text cursor as you drag it through the text.
The person using the computer will know type using the keyboard will show characters (letters, numbers, symbols) next to the text cursor.
Oddly, the text cursor dragging mechanism doesn't always show up in applications.
To do it with the keyboard, move the text cursor to the name of the method that you want to jump to and then hit enter.
Text boxes usually display a text cursor (commonly a blinking vertical line), indicating the current region of text being edited.
The desktop clears the screen, turns on the text cursor, and hides the mouse pointer.
VDU 31 locates the text cursor to the location held in the following two bytes.
MS-DOS itself did not provide any way to position the text cursor (except to advance it after printing each letter).