In its modern rendering, the official text of the anthem incorporates only the first stanza and refrain of the original poem.
The text follows the traditional biblical story of the birth of Jesus but also incorporates poetry from a wide range of sources.
The text incorporates a series of tract-like stories into an overarching narrative in order to illustrate these moral lessons.
The text incorporates many other narratives and contains several biblical allusions.
I never block, because my text incorporates the blockages and converts them to text.
The text also incorporates full-color maps with captions and chapter introductions that focus on main themes of the chapter.
According to the theory of R. H. Charles, the text incorporates three distinct sections, each once a separate work that is a single compilation here.
The text of the common position thus incorporates 40 of the 56 amendments approved by Parliament at first reading.
This text incorporates public domain material from the US Department of Justice.
Ancient Greek religious texts, reflecting cultural practices, incorporated bisexual themes.