Chinese texts sometimes name both falls from the Détiān falls on the Chinese side.
The name is not uncommon; the Táin and other texts name a daughter of Conchobar mac Nessa Fedelm Noíchrothach.
The Indian texts name the Sishunaga and Kakavarna kings of Magadha who have no trace in the Patna area but in the Magan area Elamite kings named In-Susinak and Kak-siwe-Tempti etc. are known.
The text does not name him; nor does any other extant source.
An ambiguous text that may be a photocopy of the inside flap of a dust jacket informs us that, when asked about the symbolism of the lions - who were eventually, but only eventually, named Patience and Fortitude - he replied, "I don't know."
The door jambs and thicknesses contain texts mentioning a servant in the Place of Truth named Wennenufer, and Penamun's parents Baki and Taysen.
This text named Sermoen euver de Weurd Inter omnes Linguas nulla Mosa Trajestensi prastantior gehauwe in Mastreeg was presumably written for one of the carnival celebrations and incites people to learn Maastrichtian.
The runic text of Vg 153 states that it was raised by a man named Bjôrn as a memorial to his son, whose name was on the missing upper portion of the stone.
The text also named its owners, who were local royalty, a name-pattern that also connects it with Caracol which will be described below.
Although the text does not name this disciple, by the beginning of the 2nd century a tradition had begun to form which identified him with John the Apostle, one of the Twelve (Jesus's innermost circle).