Some of the text is damaged, but partial texts remain.
Regardless, the text remains as both a tool for escape and as a reference for a better life.
The original text was lost and today there remain just two paraphrases of it.
This text, comprising 289 articles, would essentially remain in force during the entire history of the Court.
The text remains in the same Coke script.
Without it, he maintained, the old texts remain as culturally opaque as their language is archaic.
Many parts of it are thought to be lost, i.e. only some texts remained which can be classified as a myth.
The original French text of Mirbeau's essay has remained undiscovered to this day.
If the text remains the one adopted in committee and not the one with the amendments included, we will vote against it.
The text remains in print in Japan today, and has been translated a number of times into English.