The following text from the box cover summarizes the premise:
Tables, maps, and text summarize census data that show national distribution of the American artist population.
The hieratic text on the right summarizes allocations of grain.
The text closely mirrors the original book, but omits or summarizes some parts deemed too long.
The following text summarizes both duration-based and total number-based dosing recommendations.
This text gave the various names and titles of the king, spoke of his relationship with the gods and summarized his military conquests.
The player plays through several missions based on stages from Metal Gear Solid 4, each introduced by brief text summarising the story so far.
The text summarises the conclusive evidence that man-made CFC's are responsible for the damage.
Accompanying text summarizes Amish Mennonite belief and practice.
The text he wrote in 1971, titled the Shin Sakuteiki, summarizes his attitudes towards Japanese garden making in the 20th century.