Others work by listening to the entire podcast and creating a text transcription.
You'll also find the smallest version, which is a text transcription of it, which makes it really easy.
Steve's got a great 16Kb audio file for the bandwidth-impaired, also the smallest version of this show, which is a text transcription.
The images can be downloaded, and some have modern text transcriptions.
Accurate, reliable text transcription is important because the text is the data which becomes the available evidence.
Full text transcriptions are also available.
He also has text transcriptions done by human beings, so they're accurate.
Speech corpus - database of speech audio files and text transcriptions.
It does not record the actual debates, which can be consulted through the "Link to date-related documents" in the full text transcription of the Journal.
Others work by literally listening to the entire podcast and creating a text transcription using a sophisticated speech-to-text process.