The textbook covers governance structures, how unions organize, the basic strategies of collective bargaining, and how unions attempt to exercise political influence.
She believes that American textbooks cover too much information at too superficial a level.
Any textbook on commutative algebra covers this topic, such as:
For the following two years he taught at his old school in Dundalk, during which time he wrote a textbook, Natural philosophy for junior students, covering a variety of scientific topics including mechanics, hydrostatics, pneumatics, gravity and motion.
Although most textbooks cover the first seven "icons", they are not used as the "best evidence" of evolution in any of the textbooks.
His latest textbook, Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer, covers the subject of heat and mass transfer with a focus on the recent advances in the field.
The textbook covers most of the basic topics in physics:
To the Editor: Students carry heavy loads in their backpacks because American textbooks are too thick and cover too many topics without exploring the material in sufficient depth (Education page, Feb. 16).
The textbook only covers basic grammar points, such as the past and present simple tenses.