He said that another Chinese textbook published last year teaches that F.B.I. agents are used "to repress the working people."
The textbooks can't teach e-commerce fast enough.
However, Indian textbooks for over hundred years teach students, "evolution" as the true scientific explanation.
"We won't follow what the textbooks teach, and we don't have any boss telling us what to do."
Unconventional introductory textbook which attempts to both teach calculus and give some idea of what it is good for at the same time.
Its textbooks teach reading by repeating a limited number of words in successive lessons, adding a few new words with each lesson.
Until the early 1980's, wages and inflation were closely linked, as the textbooks taught, although cause and effect were often unclear.
Some Israeli textbooks also teach that Arabs left their land willingly or sold it to the Jews on the eve of Israeli independence.
That is not what the textbook for Religion 101 teaches.
Saudi textbooks for 9th graders teach that "the annihilation of the Jewish people is imperative."