Over the last few years, he has researched, lectured and written widely on textual studies and editorial theory.
Aland stated, that "the whole of Family 1424 deserves a more thorough textual study than it has yet received".
Attention is also given to the history of Christian Ethics, and to textual study.
From the first unit, students are encouraged to develop valuable reading skills, such as close textual study, and learning to scan authentic everyday material for information.
From 1988 to 1994 she lectured in writing and textual studies at the University of Technology, Sydney.
The whole Family 1424 deserves a more textual study than it received.
Professor Smith is also interested in the application of computers to textual study.
He devoted his life to the study, both textual and critical, of the Old Testament.
The era of traditional lexical and textual studies had largely passed.
The textual study of early Buddhist discourses in comparative perspective is the basis of his ongoing research interests and activities.