This package, originally thought to be a generic thank-you gift, turned out to be an expensive tea set.
In November 2008, Renegade Studios began giving free DVDs of the film as thank-you gifts to their online customers.
In 1493, as a "thank-you" gift to the prior, Michelangelo carved a large wooden Crucifix which still hangs in the church.
"But we-we have lovely thank-you gifts," Stan offered.
Ctirad believes her story and unties her from the tree, whereupon she pours the mead for the men as a celebratory thank-you gift.
Many of her early paintings in the realist style were given to family members as thank-you gifts after her visits.
He found a suitable thank-you gift for the Fathers and a pendant for Basil's wife.
"This is a very good thank-you gift for your better clients."
The idea occurred to him that a perfect thank-you gift for Joey would have been a tune-up and alignment for the jeep.
(And yes, the banks typically hand out these seemingly unimportant assignments as thank-you gifts for referring clients or for help received on other deals.)