The sheriff (Sam Freed in a thankless role of a less-challenging kind) is very slow.
Jeff Williams imbues what might have been a thankless role with uncommon sympathy and dignity.
But she also spoke about what had drawn her to the arduous and sometimes thankless role of tenant advocate.
Dorothy Brock is one of the most thankless roles in the annals of musical theater.
"Many more people are starting to talk about a control board takeover, which is a thankless role for the Governor."
Ronald Perry didn't look any more engaged than most other interpretors of the rather thankless role of the hero.
Amy Duran assumed the thankless role of the orchestra at the piano.
Glenn Close, also looking ghastly, plays a heavily painted harlot and has this story's most thankless supporting role.
Purcell made Aeneas a thankless role under any conditions: he cannot help but seem a wimp.
All of this on the heels of a summer and fall spent in the thankless role of union president.