The relation of the imagery and the wayang kulit are seen more clearly thanks to the use of color.
It is 6 percent fat, thanks to the use of skim milk and protein whey, instead of 18 percent.
The combination created a uniformity thanks to the use of brick and wood painted white.
The rickety stairs were creaky, but he ascended them without a sound, thanks to the judicious use of his tiny flashlight.
Our losses were moderate, thanks to the skillful use of the small amount of available cover.
An active owners' club exists, and thanks to the use of standard Lincoln mechanical components, most parts required to keep them going are available.
The table top is, thanks to the use of x-ray-capable materials, almost completely radiolucent.
The area is farmed thanks to the use of tube-wells.
The aircraft was developed in only four months, thanks to the use of the S.55 wing, combined with a much more conventional fuselage.
The presented algorithm is non iterative and thanks to the use of spectral methods has a short computing time.