The Commission had been concerned over Google's dominance in online ads; purchasing one of the big iPhone ad players would have extended that dominance into the mobile space.
Professor Kedrosky, who is writing a book on deregulation and the media industry, said that dominance today by no means guarantees dominance tomorrow.
With Marshall watching coolly from the stands, they extended that dominance by winning the distance medley in 11 minutes 5.49 seconds, their seventh victory in nine years in this race.
A wonderful, wonderful game, she thought, kissing him back, loving the sweetness in the aftermath of all that wild dominance.
Apple still holds about a 60 percent share of the school market, according to Link Resources, but its failure to upgrade Apple II technology or to introduce a low-cost Macintosh jeopardizes that dominance.
An argument that Western dominance is due to geographical advantages.
The process was dominated by British geologists, and the names of the periods reflect that dominance.
American workplace policy is almost completely dominated by the imperatives of shareholders and management, and no politician seems prepared to make an issue of challenging that dominance.
It is not a matter of defending the positions we have adopted or of vainly trying to obstruct historical processes on the pretext of preserving that dominance.
The United States has dominated Olympic diving more than any other sport and we will not lose that dominance this time.