Eight special education students meet after lunch in another former closet, 12 by 20 feet, where theater costumes were once stored.
His theater costume consists of jeans, sneakers, a long black topcoat and a tan felt fedora.
This anachronism can be explained only one way: this is not a real doctor but an actor wearing a traditional theater costume.
Old print enthusiasts can examine pictures of theater costumes and solemn old churchmen.
Painter, actor, singer songwriter, poet, film maker, director, photographer, theater costume and set designer.
There he mixed with Jewish intellectuals and designed theater costumes and sets.
"Appendix B: theater costumes in the work of Watteau".
They were also translated into stylish theater costumes and sets.
He spread his artistic talent to theater costumes, set designs, and stained glass windows.
The beading on the bags, garters and sash shows too much work for them to have been part of a theater costume, Ms. Johnson said.