Today the palace hosts an annual festival for classic theatrical comedies (Komödienspiele Porcia) and is also home of a museum of local history.
He summarises the film as "a willfully theatrical, sporadically magical romantic comedy embracing three barely compatible narrative strands, not one of which ever gets full flight clearance".
He also did some theatrical comedy at Oxford, and after college he moved on to stage revues and, eventually, television.
A theatrical comedy, characterized by social criticism and irony, on various themes that include, of course, the medical practice.
They are arguably our two finest directors of theatrical comedy.
In recent years, I have noticed that with many television shows, movies and some theatrical comedies, you don't actually laugh out loud more than once or twice an hour.
"La remolienda" is one of the most important classics of Chilean theatrical comedy.
Although slated for a big bang on the theatrical comedy and dance genre it is expected to do well as it reflects the nautanki story of the Indian theatre.
Almost every variety show - and there are dozens - features what Italians call a "soubrette," borrowing an old French term for a nubile maid in a theatrical comedy.
A theatrical comedy, and a comedy of manners.