As drama, what happened on stage at the Black Repertory Theater of Berkeley early Wednesday morning was not classic theatrical fare.
Last night at 10 o'clock, theatergoers were offered new and improved theatrical fare: specifically, two taxi stands in the theater district.
Fifty minutes of rolling around a real floor would hardly be theatrical fare.
The fact that the company's productions are not traditional theatrical fare has taught him, he said, not to make snap judgments about audience reaction.
This year, New York is sending its theatrical fare here as well.
But Ms. Carlson's theatrical fare was skimpy.
But without the grants, the affected organizations, which produce theatrical fare seen in schools, libraries and other public places throughout the country, are worried about staying solvent.
Mr. Mosher declined to specify what the theatrical fare will be at the Beaumont next season, saying that final choices have not yet been made.
There's a genuine warmth to "Throne," something notably absent from much of the rest of London's popular theatrical fare.
(I don't include revues in talking about musicals; although they will always be theatrical fare, revues are not musicals.)